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segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010
domingo, 21 de novembro de 2010
Ao ridículo a que chegámos!
Não sei se me quero rir ou ficar com pena deste miúdo, mas acho que isto foi umas das coisas mais estúpidas que já vi.
Se repararem bem, há uma parte da letra em que ele diz "me gusta fumar", ahahahah, o miúdo tem praí 6 anos!!!!!!! Acho que não é preciso dizer mais nada...
Mas o que apreciei mais foi este comentário:
"Xilfatium -
This is officially the WORST combo of audio and visual I have ever witnessed. I could not imagine this would be made... i dunno whats worse.. Worldwar 3 or a concert of this kid.. Suddenly my will of living fades while looking at his face.. but congratulations mini daddy... you are officially the worst musician since the creation of sound.. You have made yourself a total douchbag on the internet... Love
your BIGGEST fan"
Se repararem bem, há uma parte da letra em que ele diz "me gusta fumar", ahahahah, o miúdo tem praí 6 anos!!!!!!! Acho que não é preciso dizer mais nada...
Mas o que apreciei mais foi este comentário:
"Xilfatium -
This is officially the WORST combo of audio and visual I have ever witnessed. I could not imagine this would be made... i dunno whats worse.. Worldwar 3 or a concert of this kid.. Suddenly my will of living fades while looking at his face.. but congratulations mini daddy... you are officially the worst musician since the creation of sound.. You have made yourself a total douchbag on the internet... Love
your BIGGEST fan"
quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010
Fiquei estupefacto com a imaginação destes fans do jogo Street Fighter!
O trabalho feito por eles está incrível!
"STREET FIGHTER HIGH: THE MUSICAL - Part 1 (Super Street Fighter IV Fan Film)"
"STREET FIGHTER HIGH: THE MUSICAL - Part 2 (with Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Bonus Scene)"
Atenção (de novo), este vídeo tem vocabulário específico! Se não souberem nada acerca do jogo Street Fighter, não vão perceber o vídeo.
Se quiserem saber mais, visitem o canal de YouTube deles:
O trabalho feito por eles está incrível!
"STREET FIGHTER HIGH: THE MUSICAL - Part 1 (Super Street Fighter IV Fan Film)"
"STREET FIGHTER HIGH: THE MUSICAL - Part 2 (with Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Bonus Scene)"
Atenção (de novo), este vídeo tem vocabulário específico! Se não souberem nada acerca do jogo Street Fighter, não vão perceber o vídeo.
Se quiserem saber mais, visitem o canal de YouTube deles:
EU SOU 1337
O Rap dos Nerds...
Atenção: Este vídeo tem vocabulário específico, só vão perceber se forem viciados em jogos e derivados, ou nerds!
Atenção: Este vídeo tem vocabulário específico, só vão perceber se forem viciados em jogos e derivados, ou nerds!
Holandeses viajam há 10 anos em caravanas

Casal vive com 400 euros por mês, e ainda não pensa em regressar a casa. As filhas têm aulas através da Internet.
Há dez anos estavam cansados de "viver com dinheiro, mas sem desfrutar a vida" e por isso decidiram fazer-se à estrada e conhecer novas culturas. Saíram de casa na Holanda e desde então que viajam pela Europa em duas caravanas puxadas por cavalos e alimentadas a energia solar, como verdadeiros "nómadas".
"Ou esperávamos pelos 60 anos para fazer isto ou então era agora. Decidimos deixar tudo para trás e partir à aventura de conhecer outras culturas e desfrutar da vida enquanto temos saúde. Isto é qualidade de vida", começa por explicar, meio em português meio em castelhano, André Hemelrijk, 43 anos, antigo fotógrafo de profissão. "Hoje continuo a fazer fotografias, mas sobre a nossa viagem."
Na companhia da mulher deixou a Holanda para trás, há mais de dez anos. Pelo caminho, nas suas duas caravanas, puxadas por três cavalos e acompanhados por seis cães, já passaram pela Bélgica, França e Espanha, e chegaram há um mês a Portugal. Só em França estiveram cinco anos, mas a passagem por terras lusas será mais curta. A mulher, Judith, que deixou a profissão de publicitária, explica porquê: "O povo português é muito atencioso, gostamos muito. O problema é andarmos nestas estradas com cavalos. Ao volante, os portugueses são uns verdadeiros piratas e já apanhámos muitos sustos."
Por estes dias, assentaram arraiais junto ao rio Lima, mas, na passada sexta-feira, tiveram nova surpresa desagradável. A bateria que usavam para manter os cavalos dentro de uma vedação eléctrica foi roubada. "Foi desagradável de manhã ver que nos tinham roubado a bateria. Perdi 20 euros e os cavalos podiam ter fugido", conta.
Nesta aventura, que eles próprios admitem assemelhar-se ao modo de vida cigano, o casal tem a companhia das duas filhas, Saphire de 12 anos e Yentl-Rose de 9. Tudo o que sabem aprenderam na viagem. "Temos os painéis solares para fornecer electricidade e temos um computador que lhes permite ter aulas num colégio holandês que funciona pela Internet", explica.
Em duas caravanas de madeira, uma para as filhas e outra para os pais, viajam a uma média de cinco quilómetros por dia e quando chegam a uma nova terra escolhem um lugar onde haja água e pasto para os animais.
"Na véspera, pego na bicicleta e vou reconhecer o terreno", conta André, que aproveita para contar uma peripécia da chegada a Viana. "Quando passei de bicicleta na ponte do senhor Eiffel [ponte metálica sobre o Lima] estava tudo bem, mas quando viemos com os cavalos foi um susto. O piso é diferente e parecia que os cavalos se enterravam nele." "Agora, para voltarmos à outra margem, vamos dar a volta a Ponte de Lima. Assim também aproveitamos para conhecer outra terra", conta Judith.
A família diz viver bem com "400 euros por mês", dinheiro que vai sendo angariado de terra em terra. Judith faz maquilhagem de pessoas, sobretudo crianças, para festas. "Mas em Portugal não tem sido fácil. Os portugueses são muito tímidos, ao contrário dos espanhóis", lamenta. Além disso, a família consegue, aqui e ali, contratos para mostrar as suas caravanas. E os milhares de fotografias que André tirou nestes dez anos também servem para pagar mais algumas despesas. Quanto ao regresso à Holanda, André ainda não sabe apontar datas. Será "um dia destes", mas a vontade ainda é pouca.
-Diário de Notícias
3000 visitas!
Esqueci-me de postar juntamente com o post anterior (aniversário do blog), o facto de já ter atingido as 3000 visitas!

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Olá a todos, venho com muito gosto informar que hoje (dia 17 de Novembro de 2010), o meu blog (Everything For Everyone) faz 1 ano.
O meu 1º post foi posto à precisamente 1 ano, o meu meu AdSense começou a trabalhar à 1 ano, o blog em si talvez o tenha criado dia 16, não sei bem, tentei pesquisar sobre isso mas pelos vistos não existe uma forma de sabermos exactamente o dia em que criamos o nosso blog (o que acho estúpido), ou se calhar até há e eu não sei... Depois para acabar, o meu Google Analytics começou a contar a partir de dia 18.
Se formos a ver bem dia 16, dia 17 e dia 18, ambos dias importantes, mas dia 17 o mais importante de todos, pois foi quando o meu blog começou a trabalhar a 100%, e também extremamente importante, o dia do meu 1º post, como já tinha dito.
Sinceramente nunca pensei que este blog durasse tanto tempo. Eu criei-o apenas por ter sido influenciado por um amigo (Kevin), que apesar do seu antigo blog ( já não estar a ser actualizado, ele continua a ser um grande perito na Web e a continuar a influenciar-me em relação ao mundo da Internet.
Por muitas vezes que tenha pensado em desistir, não o fiz.
Por muitas vezes que tenha caído, levantei-me sempre sozinho e de cabeça erguida.
Quem me conhece bem sabe que não sou nem um perdedor nem um desistente. Quando gosto duma coisa simplesmente faço-a, quando não, simplesmente deixo-a para trás...
Este blog manteve-me "preso" (não num sentido mau, mas sim num sentido bom) durante muito tempo, tenho de admitir que no início estava completamente viciado, quanto mais posts fazia, mais queria fazer!
Agora já não estou tão "louco" como dantes, mas continuo-me a divertir com o meu "simples" blog!
Se alguns de vocês me estão a perguntar o porquê de eu ter estado um pouco ausente durante um período de tempo (por volta de Junho/Julho) foi por ter feito tantos, tantos posts no início que de repente já não sabia o que escrever/postar mais. Claro que também um dos principais entraves foi os estudos (para quem não sabe, sou estudante), depois puseram-se as férias pelo meio, mas o principal foi o facto de eu ter começado a perder visitas (isso desmotivou-me um pouco) e também pelo blog em si, pois se formos a ver o meu blog fala de um pouco de tudo, e isso para algumas pessoas é vago de mais, e para outras é uma ideia muito boa!
O porquê deste nome tão estranho "Everything for Everyone"?!
Acho que é óbvio, o significado, agora porque é que eu o escolhi. Eu escolhi este nome pela liberdade total que me dá em termos de posts, de assuntos, de tudo! No fundo eu ponho no meu blog coisas vagas, mas sem ser à toa pois para as postar é porque as li e as achei interessantes, ou seja continua a ser um blog pessoal, mas livre! Falo um pouco de tudo o que gosto!
Vou continuar a trabalhar no meu blog para o tornar cada vez melhor!
Não prometo posts diários, mas vou dar o meu melhor!
Espero que tenham gostado do meu trabalho até agora.
Se tiverem perguntas ou sugestões deixem um comentário.
Obrigado a todos, pois se nunca tivesse visitas já tinha apagado o blog!
Toda a gente que visite o blog, deve levar o selo Everything for Everyone, para a comemoração/memória desta grande data!
domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010
O melhor riso de sempre!
"Drunk Guy Falls through Fence"
Se repetirem o vídeo no segundo 40 muitas vezes, vão morrer a rir!!!
Se repetirem o vídeo no segundo 40 muitas vezes, vão morrer a rir!!!
O melhor choro de sempre!
"Best Cry Ever"
"Best Cry Ever (Auto-Tuned) Remix [HD]"
"Best Cry Ever (Auto-Tuned) Remix [HD]"
sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010
Nano-chip está na ponta da agulha
Este artigo encontra-se todo em inglês!
Quem não perceber que corte o artigo e o traduza num tradutor da internet como o Tradutor Google, sei que não são muito bons, mas sempre ajuda, se tiverem dúvidas em palavras específicas podem sempre deixar um comentário que tentarei ajudar o melhor que puder.
Este artigo fala sobre o facto de poder existir ou existir mesmo uma "máfia" mundial, que vão obrigar todas as pessoas do mundo a andarem com chips implantados no corpo...
The Chip is at the Tip of the Needle
By Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer (New GermanMedicine)
Yesterday, 27 August 2009, I was giving an introductory talk about German New Medicine (GNM) near Vienna, Austria. My wife was with me and about 40 listeners. At the end as part of the discussion the swine flu was mentioned and a lady got up and declared the following:
A friend of hers works for a pharmaceutical company in Vienna and told her that the swine flu injection needles indeed contain nano particles in their very tip, which cannot be detected with the naked eye but are clearly visible with as little as a 12 times magnifying microscope like children’s toy microscopes. The staff of the pharmaceutical company was advised that these nano particles work in the human body like a motherboard in the computer and lots of data can be stored on it, which will make cash cards obsolete. This measure was also intended to do an accurate census and to protect babies, as many mothers would simply “discard” their newborn, without knowledge of the authorities.
This lady further disclosed that she was working in the medical field. She had asked a lawyer who came to her as a patient, how it was possible to avoid being chipped. He told her that he was aware of the planned chipping of the population; in fact most upper class members of society were aware of this plan. For this year no forced vaccinations were planned but to rather encourage people through the media to volunteer for the jab.
In case too few would come forward, forced vaccination was planned for next year. Exempt from those were certain professional groups like the police, medical personal, politicians etc. Being a lawyer, he knew ways for himself to avoid the jab, but for the majority of the population there was no escape.
Interview with Dr Gert Hamer (GNM) by Helmut Pilhar (Engineer) ,
Wednesday, 26. August 2009
Hamer: Within a few days our worst fears were indeed superseded by this cruel reality.
Pilhar: Geerd, are you talking about the $1000 fine and 30 day arrest threats for refusal to take the vaccination in the US?
Hamer: Yes, but the objectors (death chip opposers are traitors) are not going to be put into normal prisons but in especially prepared concentration camps of which hundreds have been prepared all over the country. And you can leave those only by getting chipped. And once you are outside it is open season through the death chip. By chance these people are then going to drop dead like flies after their release.
Pilhar: Are you talking about the beginning of the great population cull?
Hamer: It can only mean that. Otherwise it does not make any sense to get the military and the police involved, threaten with such draconian penalties, all just to get the people to participate in a simple seasonal flu shot campaign. It just does not make any other sense. Apart from the fact that there cannot even be a vaccination like that. You vaccinate in October (northern autumn) for the next summer. That is totally laughable. With Tamiflu you can maybe suppress typical healing phase symptoms for 2-3 weeks and even that is totally brainless in the light of GNM.
Pilhar: It is noteworthy that in the US there are literally many 100,000 plastic coffins stock piled What for? And apart from that the population has been systematically stripped of weapons and protective dogs.
Hamer: You can best understand what the intent is by what is NOT talked about. One may talk about the vaccination, but nobody mentions the chip implanting by name. That is really strange because the chipping is the obvious issue in the face of these massive governmental measures. And that the Hitachi chip works and can be combined with the death chip we already talked about during the last interview.
The same can be seen in how my GNM ( German New Medicine) fared. For 28 years one was only allowed to discuss Hamer, the “Unperson”, but not whether GNM actually works and whether its claims are repeatable, and can be proven to work, in spite of 30 verified published results. The same applies to Tamuflu! There are endless discussions about Tamiflu causing harm but none about the chip. Of course Tamiflu is harmful, it is a poison. It is also very damaging in the healing process or in the vagotonic phase of a pregnancy (last trimester). But the death chip adds a whole new dimension. That this death chip is going to be used without concern can be seen in the fact that chemo and morphine have been used without concern in spite of final mortality rates of 98%, while 98% could have survived with GNM. Imagine the unscrupulousness of all oncologists, as they are fully aware that GNM adds up from a scientific perspective and works
Pilhar: It is also very strange that the Americans have created this Marshall Law, under which critics can be easily removed by the thousands and millions. And once you have chipped the people they cannot run away from you anymore.
Hamer: It is obvious that this chip battle has been under preparation for many years. The idiotic swine flu, that does not even really exist, was actually the wrong tool: 3 dead pigs and one child, dead from who knows what, with that they lied and constructed a worldwide pandemic into existence. But it goes to show what a well organized world press is able to achieve: They can turn a mole hill into a mountain.
Pilhar: It started with the AIDS lie, then followed the BSE lie. After the 9/11 lie followed the Anthrax lie. Then it was the Bird Flu lie, now it is the Swine Flu lie. Next year we’ll have the Mice Flu lie. It all points to the “Endloesung”, the final solution. When everybody has a chip then that will constitute the complete slavery, then everybody can be manipulated and assassinated arbitrarily.
Hamer: First they jump on the babies and the pregnant women. They are first to be treated with chips and Tamiflu. Many of the pregnant women in their last trimester are going to lose their babies, because Tamiflu is totally toxic. But also the women themselves can die, as their bodies are vagotonic during the last trimester. It is a known fact that during vagotonia one flu shot or one morphine injection can be deadly.
In the meantime there seems to be some panic in the US. Where in the world can you flee to, people are asking themselves, where will you not be forcibly injected with the death chip and have one free moment away from your enemies?
One has to consider realistically what it would be like to carry this death chip and know that any day you can simply be switched off by the Centre in Tel Aviv. You are completely defenseless against that and complaining won’t do you any good: “If I only had known...” Therefore it is really important for the ruling class to keep the people in the dark about it as long as possible.
Once the slaves have the death chip implanted they are allowed to know about it. Then they will be like trained poodles. Nobody will dare to speak up. It will be like among the Masonic brethren. Everybody knows that the moment he utters a word of dissent, he will be served poison in the coffee by the always Jewish Grand Master and won’t survive another day. The whole world is going to be a concentration camp full of slaves, except for the members of one religious group. To have the death chip implanted is the potential personal death sentence at any given time.
How naive do you have to be to demand of Mos sad and the CIA to disclose what their real intentions are, “to table the facts”? The mouse never believes the cat will come.
In a company with several hundred staff, which produces, or better fills the injection needles for the chip vaccination, it will only need one or two “reliable” people to insert the chip at the end. Then all the other workers can confirm that they knew nothing. This is called “quality control” and “final check” and appears completely normal.
Strange is too that every single chip vaccination needle has its own individual code number, which is added to the ID number. Why else would the silly “summer flu shot” needle have its own individual number and why should the passport accompany the supposed flu vaccination? And why do the Americans not want to let anybody into the country who does not have a chip?
Pilhar: The „Club of Rome“ declared in the 70s in one of their publications (possibly in Mankind at the Turning Point ) in effect that either the birth rate would have to be reduced or the death rate increased. The Max Planck Institute believes that the world population must be reduced to 2 billion people. In the US there is the so called “American Stonehenge”, a message engraved in 100 ton granite blocks, that the world population has to be reduced to 500 million people, to reach an “Era of Reason”.
When you look at the supposed issue of "overpopulation" it is interesting to note that apparently the State of Texas alone could feed all 6 billion people. If one piled those 6 billion bodies with an average weight of 80kg and a volume of 80 liters on top and side by side of each other in a cube shape, the sides of this cube would be only 800 meters long. In Austria we could hide such a cube in the next valley.
I don’t believe in the so called “overpopulation” but rather suppose that the globalization fanatics don’t need 6 billion work slaves and therefore want to reduce the population to one tenth.
Hamer: Helmut, you were right when you said during our last interview on 13 August 2009: „Once they have accomplished that, they have won.“ Therefore the German New Medicine had to be suppressed, because if this awareness and knowledge had been common place they could not have done it. “Lewwer duad üs Slaav!“ Rather dead than slave! (from Pidder Lueng, by Detler von Liliencron).
Cheers to the GNM, the New Biological Medicine and a world view of freedom and truth for us all.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer ……………………………………………………………….
Ing. Helmut Pilhar ………………………………………………………………
Source Four Winds
Visitem o site original do artigo para mais informações:
Quem não perceber que corte o artigo e o traduza num tradutor da internet como o Tradutor Google, sei que não são muito bons, mas sempre ajuda, se tiverem dúvidas em palavras específicas podem sempre deixar um comentário que tentarei ajudar o melhor que puder.
Este artigo fala sobre o facto de poder existir ou existir mesmo uma "máfia" mundial, que vão obrigar todas as pessoas do mundo a andarem com chips implantados no corpo...
The Chip is at the Tip of the Needle
By Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer (New GermanMedicine)
Yesterday, 27 August 2009, I was giving an introductory talk about German New Medicine (GNM) near Vienna, Austria. My wife was with me and about 40 listeners. At the end as part of the discussion the swine flu was mentioned and a lady got up and declared the following:
A friend of hers works for a pharmaceutical company in Vienna and told her that the swine flu injection needles indeed contain nano particles in their very tip, which cannot be detected with the naked eye but are clearly visible with as little as a 12 times magnifying microscope like children’s toy microscopes. The staff of the pharmaceutical company was advised that these nano particles work in the human body like a motherboard in the computer and lots of data can be stored on it, which will make cash cards obsolete. This measure was also intended to do an accurate census and to protect babies, as many mothers would simply “discard” their newborn, without knowledge of the authorities.
This lady further disclosed that she was working in the medical field. She had asked a lawyer who came to her as a patient, how it was possible to avoid being chipped. He told her that he was aware of the planned chipping of the population; in fact most upper class members of society were aware of this plan. For this year no forced vaccinations were planned but to rather encourage people through the media to volunteer for the jab.
In case too few would come forward, forced vaccination was planned for next year. Exempt from those were certain professional groups like the police, medical personal, politicians etc. Being a lawyer, he knew ways for himself to avoid the jab, but for the majority of the population there was no escape.
Interview with Dr Gert Hamer (GNM) by Helmut Pilhar (Engineer) ,
Wednesday, 26. August 2009
Hamer: Within a few days our worst fears were indeed superseded by this cruel reality.
Pilhar: Geerd, are you talking about the $1000 fine and 30 day arrest threats for refusal to take the vaccination in the US?
Hamer: Yes, but the objectors (death chip opposers are traitors) are not going to be put into normal prisons but in especially prepared concentration camps of which hundreds have been prepared all over the country. And you can leave those only by getting chipped. And once you are outside it is open season through the death chip. By chance these people are then going to drop dead like flies after their release.
Pilhar: Are you talking about the beginning of the great population cull?
Hamer: It can only mean that. Otherwise it does not make any sense to get the military and the police involved, threaten with such draconian penalties, all just to get the people to participate in a simple seasonal flu shot campaign. It just does not make any other sense. Apart from the fact that there cannot even be a vaccination like that. You vaccinate in October (northern autumn) for the next summer. That is totally laughable. With Tamiflu you can maybe suppress typical healing phase symptoms for 2-3 weeks and even that is totally brainless in the light of GNM.
Pilhar: It is noteworthy that in the US there are literally many 100,000 plastic coffins stock piled What for? And apart from that the population has been systematically stripped of weapons and protective dogs.
Hamer: You can best understand what the intent is by what is NOT talked about. One may talk about the vaccination, but nobody mentions the chip implanting by name. That is really strange because the chipping is the obvious issue in the face of these massive governmental measures. And that the Hitachi chip works and can be combined with the death chip we already talked about during the last interview.
The same can be seen in how my GNM ( German New Medicine) fared. For 28 years one was only allowed to discuss Hamer, the “Unperson”, but not whether GNM actually works and whether its claims are repeatable, and can be proven to work, in spite of 30 verified published results. The same applies to Tamuflu! There are endless discussions about Tamiflu causing harm but none about the chip. Of course Tamiflu is harmful, it is a poison. It is also very damaging in the healing process or in the vagotonic phase of a pregnancy (last trimester). But the death chip adds a whole new dimension. That this death chip is going to be used without concern can be seen in the fact that chemo and morphine have been used without concern in spite of final mortality rates of 98%, while 98% could have survived with GNM. Imagine the unscrupulousness of all oncologists, as they are fully aware that GNM adds up from a scientific perspective and works
Pilhar: It is also very strange that the Americans have created this Marshall Law, under which critics can be easily removed by the thousands and millions. And once you have chipped the people they cannot run away from you anymore.
Hamer: It is obvious that this chip battle has been under preparation for many years. The idiotic swine flu, that does not even really exist, was actually the wrong tool: 3 dead pigs and one child, dead from who knows what, with that they lied and constructed a worldwide pandemic into existence. But it goes to show what a well organized world press is able to achieve: They can turn a mole hill into a mountain.
Pilhar: It started with the AIDS lie, then followed the BSE lie. After the 9/11 lie followed the Anthrax lie. Then it was the Bird Flu lie, now it is the Swine Flu lie. Next year we’ll have the Mice Flu lie. It all points to the “Endloesung”, the final solution. When everybody has a chip then that will constitute the complete slavery, then everybody can be manipulated and assassinated arbitrarily.
Hamer: First they jump on the babies and the pregnant women. They are first to be treated with chips and Tamiflu. Many of the pregnant women in their last trimester are going to lose their babies, because Tamiflu is totally toxic. But also the women themselves can die, as their bodies are vagotonic during the last trimester. It is a known fact that during vagotonia one flu shot or one morphine injection can be deadly.
In the meantime there seems to be some panic in the US. Where in the world can you flee to, people are asking themselves, where will you not be forcibly injected with the death chip and have one free moment away from your enemies?
One has to consider realistically what it would be like to carry this death chip and know that any day you can simply be switched off by the Centre in Tel Aviv. You are completely defenseless against that and complaining won’t do you any good: “If I only had known...” Therefore it is really important for the ruling class to keep the people in the dark about it as long as possible.
Once the slaves have the death chip implanted they are allowed to know about it. Then they will be like trained poodles. Nobody will dare to speak up. It will be like among the Masonic brethren. Everybody knows that the moment he utters a word of dissent, he will be served poison in the coffee by the always Jewish Grand Master and won’t survive another day. The whole world is going to be a concentration camp full of slaves, except for the members of one religious group. To have the death chip implanted is the potential personal death sentence at any given time.
How naive do you have to be to demand of Mos sad and the CIA to disclose what their real intentions are, “to table the facts”? The mouse never believes the cat will come.
In a company with several hundred staff, which produces, or better fills the injection needles for the chip vaccination, it will only need one or two “reliable” people to insert the chip at the end. Then all the other workers can confirm that they knew nothing. This is called “quality control” and “final check” and appears completely normal.
Strange is too that every single chip vaccination needle has its own individual code number, which is added to the ID number. Why else would the silly “summer flu shot” needle have its own individual number and why should the passport accompany the supposed flu vaccination? And why do the Americans not want to let anybody into the country who does not have a chip?
Pilhar: The „Club of Rome“ declared in the 70s in one of their publications (possibly in Mankind at the Turning Point ) in effect that either the birth rate would have to be reduced or the death rate increased. The Max Planck Institute believes that the world population must be reduced to 2 billion people. In the US there is the so called “American Stonehenge”, a message engraved in 100 ton granite blocks, that the world population has to be reduced to 500 million people, to reach an “Era of Reason”.
When you look at the supposed issue of "overpopulation" it is interesting to note that apparently the State of Texas alone could feed all 6 billion people. If one piled those 6 billion bodies with an average weight of 80kg and a volume of 80 liters on top and side by side of each other in a cube shape, the sides of this cube would be only 800 meters long. In Austria we could hide such a cube in the next valley.
I don’t believe in the so called “overpopulation” but rather suppose that the globalization fanatics don’t need 6 billion work slaves and therefore want to reduce the population to one tenth.
Hamer: Helmut, you were right when you said during our last interview on 13 August 2009: „Once they have accomplished that, they have won.“ Therefore the German New Medicine had to be suppressed, because if this awareness and knowledge had been common place they could not have done it. “Lewwer duad üs Slaav!“ Rather dead than slave! (from Pidder Lueng, by Detler von Liliencron).
Cheers to the GNM, the New Biological Medicine and a world view of freedom and truth for us all.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer ……………………………………………………………….
Ing. Helmut Pilhar ………………………………………………………………
Source Four Winds
Visitem o site original do artigo para mais informações:
Lady GaGa ameaçada de morte

Lady GaGa tem sido perseguida por uma fã enlouquecida que lhe disse: «Eu quero morrer contigo!».
A cantora, de 24 anos, teve que tomar medidas legais depois de receber uma arrepiante carta de uma fã obcecada; uma rapariga de 26 anos chamada Anastasia Obukhova. A estudante russa, que vive em Nova Iorque, disse que até já esteve a "menos de um metro" da estrela pop. Agora foi proibida de estar a 500 metros de GaGa.
Na carta, interceptada pela administração da cantora, pode ler-se: «Tu vens para os meus sonhos, eu quero morrer e quero morrer juntamente contigo». Mas o pior vem a seguir: «Eu não sou Mark Chapman. Não és só tu que vais morrer. Vou disparar uma bala na minha cabeça também».
Recorde-se que Chapman foi condenado a pena perpétua por assassinar a lenda dos Beatles, John Lennon, em 1980.
A estrela da pop (cujo nome verdadeiro é Stefani Germanotta) já vendeu mais de 15 milhões de álbuns no mundo inteiro.
- (adaptado)
O efeito das drogas
Este vídeo mostra uma pessoa completamente drogada, a andar pelo seu bairro, só a causar distúrbios.
Mas tem a sua piada!
O nome original do vídeo é "Drunk Naked Russian On Drugs Rampage Vs Neighbourhood", ahahahah, estupidez!
Mas tem a sua piada!
O nome original do vídeo é "Drunk Naked Russian On Drugs Rampage Vs Neighbourhood", ahahahah, estupidez!
50 cent. desesperado por dinheiro, ou simplesmente gosta de estar com os fans???
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